The Ultimate Guide to Responsible Mattress Disposal Massachusetts

green co.

Did you know that in Massachusetts alone, over 20,000 mattresses are discarded every week? That's enough to fill Fenway Park three times over!

The environmental impact of this waste is significant, with mattresses taking up valuable landfill space and chemicals leaching into the soil.

Green Mattress Co. is on a mission to provide responsible mattress disposal options for residents and businesses across Massachusetts.

With convenient on-site drop off locations and a seal of approval from local authorities, they make it easy for you to do your part in protecting the environment.

Not only does recycling mattresses save landfill space, but it also saves businesses money by reducing disposal fees.

Why Recycle Mattresses

Firstly, recycling mattresses has significant environmental benefits, as it helps reduce the amount of waste that goes into landfills.

Secondly, in Massachusetts, there are convenient recycling options available for mattress disposal, making it easy for residents to do their part in reducing waste.

Lastly, by recycling mattresses instead of throwing them away, you can have a positive impact on your carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future. Plus, with the Massachusetts Mattress Disposal Waste Ban in place, it's essential to know about the Green Mattress's recycling process and how they responsibly handle mattress disposal.

Environmental benefits of recycling

By recycling your mattress, you can make a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a greener future for Massachusetts.

Mattress disposal in Massachusetts is a pressing issue as many end up in landfills, taking up valuable space. However, by opting for mattress recycling instead, you're reducing waste and conserving resources.

Recycling mattresses helps prevent them from ending up in landfills where they can release harmful chemicals into the environment.

Convenient recycling options in MA

When it comes to recycling in Massachusetts, there are convenient options available for residents to easily dispose of their unwanted items. One such option is Green Mattress Co, which allows residents to recycle their old mattresses instead of sending them to the landfill.

Green Mattress Co provides a drop-off location where you can bring your mattress for proper recycling. They also offer curbside pick up. This not only helps reduce waste but also promotes a more sustainable and eco-friendly approach to mattress disposal in Mass.

Positive impact on carbon footprint

Reducing your carbon footprint can have a positive impact on the environment and make a difference in creating a more sustainable future. When it comes to mattress disposal in Massachusetts, choosing responsible methods is crucial.

By opting for recycling options, you can significantly reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills ( Recycling mattresses helps conserve resources, minimize pollution, and support the circular economy – ultimately contributing to a greener planet.

Massachusetts Mattress Disposal Waste Ban

With the Massachusetts Mattress Disposal Waste Ban in place, it's become mandatory to recycle mattresses instead of sending them to landfills.

This ban aims to reduce the amount of waste occupying landfill space and encourages responsible disposal practices.

By recycling mattresses, we can minimize environmental impact and conserve valuable resources for a more sustainable tomorrow.

Green Mattress Co.'s recycling process

Transforming your old mattress into something new and eco-friendly is an innovative process that Green Mattress Co. has perfected. They have a responsible recycling process where they ensure that mattresses are disposed of properly in Massachusetts. They prioritize sustainability by carefully deconstructing each mattress and separating its components for recycling. Materials like foam, metal springs, and fabric are recycled or repurposed, reducing waste and minimizing environmental impact. Green Mattress's commitment to responsible mattress disposal makes them the go-to choice for eco-conscious consumers.

Negative Environmental Impact

When it comes to mattress disposal in Massachusetts, you may not realize the negative environmental impact caused by improper disposal methods. Did you know that over 20 million mattresses end up in landfills each year, taking up valuable space and contributing to pollution?

This is a significant issue because mattresses are not biodegradable and can take hundreds of years to decompose. Additionally, when mattresses are disposed of in landfills, they release harmful chemicals into the soil and groundwater.

It's important to dispose of mattresses properly to reduce waste and protect our environment.

Green Mattress Co.'s Mission

If you truly want to make a positive impact on the environment, Green Mattress Co.'s mission will inspire you. Their commitment to sustainability and responsible mattress disposal is evident in everything they do.

Here's how Green Mattress Co. is leading the way:

  • Recycling: They recycle old mattresses, ensuring that valuable materials are repurposed instead of ending up in landfills.

  • Renewable Materials: Green Mattress Co. uses renewable and eco-friendly materials in their mattresses, reducing their carbon footprint.

  • Education: They educate consumers about responsible mattress disposal and provide resources for sustainable living.

Green Mattress Co.'s mission goes beyond just selling mattresses; it's about making a difference for our planet by promoting eco-conscious practices throughout the entire lifecycle of a mattress.

Convenient Recycling Options

With Green Mattress Co., you'll discover hassle-free recycling options that make it easy to give your old mattress a second life. Conveniently located in Massachusetts, they offer a range of services for mattress disposal.

Their team ensures that each mattress is recycled properly, minimizing waste and environmental impact. By choosing their convenient recycling options, you can contribute to a greener future while responsibly disposing of your old mattress.

On-Site Drop Off

By choosing Green Mattress Co., you'll have the convenience of on-site drop off for your old mattress, allowing you to easily contribute to a greener future.

Curbside Pickup

For a hassle-free option, simply place your old mattress at the curb and let our team take care of the rest. Our curbside pickup service ensures convenient disposal of your old mattresses.

This option is particularly beneficial for those with limited mobility or transportation.

By utilizing this service, you can easily comply with new regulations regarding responsible mattress disposal in Massachusetts municipalities, while also avoiding any potential bed bug infestations that may come from keeping an old mattress.

Bulk Pick-up

If you're looking for an effortless way to get rid of your old mattresses, consider our bulk pick-up service. With this convenient option, you can easily dispose of your mattress without breaking any Massachusetts regulations.

Our knowledgeable team will handle the responsible disposal of your mattress, ensuring that it is disposed of properly and in accordance with Massachusetts regulations.

Take advantage of our bulk pick-up service for a hassle-free mattress disposal experience in Massachusetts.

Cost of Recycling

At Green Mattress Co, it costs $50 per unit to recycle. If you are a business owner looking to recycle mattresses in bulk, this can actually save you money compared to other mattress removal services!

What Mattress does Green Mattress Co. Accept

Green Mattress Co. accepts a variety of mattresses for recycling, ensuring a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for disposing of your old bedding. They are committed to reducing waste by recycling materials such as foam, springs, and fabric.

Whether you have a memory foam mattress or one with traditional springs, Green Mattress Co. has the expertise to handle it responsibly. They have a convenient schedule for drop-offs and even offer public collection events to make it easy for you to dispose of your mattress's components in an environmentally friendly way.

Green Mattress Co. will not accept excessively dirty, rancid, hazardous, excessively wet, or infested mattresses.

Landfill Space Savings

By choosing a mattress from the Green Mattress Co., you're not only getting a comfortable bed, but also making a smart choice that saves precious landfill space.

Landfill space savings are crucial in Massachusetts, where land availability is limited. Green Mattress Co. uses eco-friendly materials and sustainable production methods to ensure their mattresses have a minimal environmental impact.

Business Savings

Now that you understand how recycling mattresses can save valuable landfill space, let's explore the additional benefits it offers to businesses in Massachusetts.

Recycling mattresses not only reduces waste for residents but also presents a significant opportunity for businesses to save money. By participating in mattress recycling programs, businesses can have their old mattresses reused or sent for processing at specialized facilities. This eliminates the need to pay disposal fees and provides a convenient drop-off option for unwanted mattresses.

Benefits of Sustainability

Imagine how much money you could save by embracing sustainability and reaping its countless benefits. By practicing responsible mattress disposal in Massachusetts, not only do you contribute to the well-being of the environment, but you also enjoy several advantages for your business and community.

  • Reduced waste generation

  • Lower landfill costs

  • Enhanced brand reputation

  • Increased customer loyalty

  • Access to government incentives

Being sustainable not only saves you money but also builds a stronger and more connected community.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1)  Can I recycle my mattress if it is stained or damaged?

Yes, you can still recycle your heavily stained or damaged mattress. Many recycling facilities accept mattresses in various conditions, as they are able to salvage the materials for reuse in other products. Green Mattress Co. will not accept excessively dirty, rancid, or hazardous mattresses.

2)  Are there any restrictions on the size or type of mattress that can be recycled?

There are typically no restrictions on the size or type of mattress that can be recycled. 

3)  How can I prepare my mattress for recycling?

To prepare your mattress for recycling, start by cleaning it thoroughly and removing any bedding. Finally, contact a local recycling facility to arrange for pickup or drop-off.

4)  Can I recycle a mattress that has been treated with fire retardants?

Yes, you can recycle a mattress that has been treated with fire retardants. Many recycling facilities have the capability to properly handle and dispose of mattresses containing fire retardant chemicals.

5)  Is there a fee for recycling my mattress with Green Mattress Co.

Yes, there is a small fee for recycling your mattress with Green Mattress Co. However, it's worth it because they use eco-friendly methods to break down and repurpose the materials, reducing waste and promoting sustainability. This fee is $50.


Congratulations! You're now equipped with the ultimate guide to responsible mattress disposal in Massachusetts. By choosing to recycle your mattress, you're actively contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.

Not only does recycling mattresses save landfill space, but it also has significant environmental benefits. Green Mattress Co.'s mission is commendable as they provide convenient recycling options and ensure that your mattress ends up in the right place.

green co.
green co.

The Importance of Mattress Recycling Massachusetts: Going Green With Green Mattress Co


Call Green Mattress Co: Where Do I Recycle a Mattress?