Mattress Disposal Boston Solutions: Prioritizing the Planet


At Green Mattress Co, we understand that disposing of mattresses can be a hassle. With our convenient and eco-friendly options, you can prioritize the planet while getting rid of your unwanted mattress.

Did you know that every year, millions of mattresses end up in landfills, contributing to environmental pollution? That's where the Green Mattress Co. comes in. Our recycling process ensures that every part of your mattress is properly disposed of or recycled, minimizing its negative impact on the environment.

Not only does choosing our disposal services benefit the planet, but it also benefits businesses. With our easy and affordable recycling process, businesses can save money while doing their part for sustainability.

Green Mattress Co. Recycling Facility

When it comes to mattress disposal in Boston, Green Mattress Co. Recycling Facility offers efficient and convenient solutions that prioritize the planet.

Not only does our recycling process help reduce landfill waste, but it also has a positive environmental impact by repurposing materials that would otherwise end up in the trash.

Businesses can benefit from cost savings as well, as recycling mattresses is often more economical than traditional disposal methods.

Efficient mattress recycling

By recycling mattresses efficiently, you can make a positive impact on the environment and ensure a greener future for the next generation.

Mattress disposal in Boston is a significant issue, but mattress recycling offers an effective solution. Recycling mattresses helps reduce waste and conserves valuable resources like metal springs and foam. Additionally, it prevents harmful chemicals from polluting landfills.

By responsibly disposing of unwanted mattresses through recycling, we can contribute to a healthier planet.

Convenient mattress disposal Boston options

If you're in need of a hassle-free way to bid farewell to your worn-out bed, there are several options available that will make it as easy as tossing a feather into the wind. Consider these convenient mattress disposal Boston options:

1) Schedule a pick-up service: Green Mattress Co offers mattress removal services right from your doorstep. We offer curbside pickup in Belmont, Boston, Brockton, and Weymouth and are continuing to add locations!

2) Drop-off locations: Our recycling facility is located in Brockton and we offer on-site drop off.

By utilizing these accessible solutions, you can ensure proper mattress disposal and contribute to environmental protection through recycling efforts.

Positive environmental impact

Making small changes in our daily lives can have a positive impact on the environment and contribute to a healthier planet.

When it comes to mattress disposal in Boston, opting for eco-friendly solutions is crucial. By recycling mattresses instead of sending them to landfills, we can reduce waste and minimize harmful environmental effects.

Recycling just one mattress can save approximately 23 cubic feet of landfill space and prevent the release of around 65 pounds of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

Cost savings for businesses

Imagine the amount of money you could save for your business by opting for eco-friendly mattress recycling methods that not only reduce waste but also contribute to a greener future. Here are four ways in which businesses can benefit financially from choosing recyclable materials and mattress removal services:

  • Lower disposal costs: Recycling mattresses reduces landfill fees and eliminates the need for costly waste management.

  • Revenue opportunities: Some recycling programs offer rebates or buyback options, providing additional income streams.

  • Tax incentives: Businesses can take advantage of tax credits and deductions by implementing sustainable practices.

  • Reduced procurement costs: Investing in products made from recycled materials can lead to long-term savings.

By prioritizing environmentally friendly solutions, businesses can not only save money but also make a positive impact on the planet's health while reducing food waste.

Reduction of landfill waste

Mattress disposal is a major concern due to their bulky nature and slow decomposition rate. However, by opting for recycled mattress programs, companies can divert these items from landfills and ensure they are properly disposed of or repurposed, ultimately reducing the amount of waste that ends up in our already overcrowded landfills.

Environmental Impact

When it comes to mattress disposal, the environmental impact cannot be ignored. Each year, millions of mattresses end up in landfills (, taking up valuable space and releasing harmful chemicals into the air and soil.

But there's a solution! By properly disposing of mattresses and recycling their materials, we can reduce landfill waste and minimize the negative impact on our planet.

Convenient Recycling Options

Conveniently, recycling options are available that make it easy for you to responsibly get rid of your old mattresses and prioritize the planet. Here are three reasons why you should consider these options for mattress disposal in Boston:

  • Reduce landfill waste: By recycling your unwanted mattress or box spring, you can help reduce the amount of waste that ends up in landfills, ultimately benefiting the environment.

  • Conservation of resources: Recycling mattresses allows valuable materials like foam, metal springs, and wood to be reused instead of being wasted. This helps conserve natural resources and reduces the need for raw materials.

  • Energy savings: The recycling process requires less energy compared to producing new mattresses from scratch. By choosing convenient recycling options, you can contribute to energy savings and reduce greenhouse gas emissions associated with manufacturing new mattresses.

Benefits for Businesses

Not only do businesses benefit from convenient recycling options, but they also experience a positive ripple effect on their bottom line. By choosing mattress disposal in Boston that prioritizes the planet, businesses can showcase their commitment to sustainability and attract environmentally conscious customers.

Additionally, proper mattress removal ensures compliance with waste management regulations and avoids potential fines. Investing in eco-friendly practices not only helps the environment but also boosts a business's reputation and long-term profitability.

Easy Recycling Process

Imagine how effortless it is to contribute to a greener future by effortlessly participating in an uncomplicated recycling process. When it comes to mattress disposal in Boston, prioritizing the planet has never been easier. By choosing easy recycling solutions, you can ensure that your old mattresses are diverted from landfills and instead turned into valuable resources.

Contact Information

For more information on this environmentally-friendly process, you can easily reach out to Green Mattress Co and they'll provide you with all the necessary details.

If you're a resident in Boston looking for guidance on mattress disposal, Green Mattress Co offers services specifically tailored to meet your needs. Call them at (508) 488-6867 or email them at for more information.

Contact Green Mattress Co today to learn more about their sustainable solutions.

Goal: Recycle 95% of Mattress Components

When it comes to mattress disposal in Boston, the goal is clear: recycle 95% of a mattress’ components.

We prioritize the planet by ensuring that as much of each mattress as possible is reused or repurposed. By recycling the materials, we reduce waste and minimize our environmental impact.

Negative Impact of Unwanted Mattresses Waste

Surrounded by discarded bedding, the city's streets become a wasteland of unwanted materials, creating a visual reminder of our unsustainable habits.

The negative impact of unwanted mattress waste is significant and demands attention. Consider these facts:

  • Over 2 million mattresses are discarded in Boston every year.

  • They take up valuable landfill space, contributing to environmental degradation.

  • Improper disposal leads to pollution and health hazards.

It's time for mattress disposal Boston solutions that prioritize the planet and promote sustainable practices.

Green Mattress Co. Process

To truly understand the impact of discarded mattresses, you need to explore Green Mattress Co.'s innovative process. Their mattress disposal Boston solutions prioritize the planet by recycling and reusing materials.

Community Benefits

Now that you understand the Green Mattress Co. process, let's talk about the community benefits of their mattress disposal solutions in Boston. By prioritizing the planet and promoting sustainability, they not only help remove old mattresses from homes but also benefit the community in various ways.

Here are some significant community benefits of their approach:

1) Reduced landfill waste: Instead of ending up in landfills, old mattresses are recycled or repurposed, minimizing environmental impact.

2) Creating jobs: Their sustainable mattress disposal practices create employment opportunities within the local community, contributing to economic growth.

Pricing and Cost Savings

Green Mattress Co.’s mattress disposal solutions not only offer affordable rates but also provide significant cost savings compared to traditional disposal methods. They charge just $50 a mattress to be recycled.

Frequently Asked Questions:


1)  What is the average lifespan of a mattress and why is it important to properly dispose of them?

The average lifespan of a mattress is 7 to 10 years. Proper disposal is crucial as mattresses take up landfill space and can release harmful chemicals when they break down, impacting the environment.


2)  Are there any regulations or laws in place regarding mattress disposal?

Yes, there are regulations in place for mattress disposal in Boston. The city requires residents to schedule a pickup with their trash collection service or bring mattresses to designated drop-off locations for proper recycling and disposal.


3)  Can I recycle a mattress that is stained or damaged?

Yes, you can recycle a stained or damaged mattress in Boston. Green Mattress Co. will not accept heavily stained mattresses, excessively wet mattresses, or infested mattresses.


4)  How can individuals and businesses contribute to reducing mattress waste in the city?

To reduce mattress waste in Boston, individuals and businesses can use mattress recycling services like Green Mattress Co instead of throwing their used mattresses in the trash. These actions help conserve resources and minimize landfill contributions.



You're now equipped with the knowledge and solutions to prioritize the planet when it comes to mattress disposal in Boston. By choosing Green Mattress Co. Recycling Facility, you not only contribute to reducing environmental impact but also enjoy convenient recycling options.

Businesses can benefit from this process too, saving costs while making a positive difference. Say goodbye to the negative impacts of unwanted mattress waste as Green Mattress Co.'s easy process brings community benefits and cost savings.

boston, boston

From Bedrooms to Recycling Centers: The Journey of Mattress Recycling Boston


The Importance of Mattress Recycling Massachusetts: Going Green With Green Mattress Co